
Showing posts from May, 2017

Putting It Together

I seriously doubt that more than a few family members, a few close friends, or a few pseudo-acquaintances internet stalking me (it's okay, I'm not judging you) will read this, but if you are among one of those fine people, hi. I really hate making a self-important introduction as if I'm some semi-successful YouTuber greeting his/her audience of awkward pre-teens, but since this is my first post, I guess it has to be done. I mean, to be fair, this is not my first ever blog post- from the time I was in fifth grade to sort of around ninth grade, I had a different blogger account which shall not be named. If anyone finds it, they'll have proof of my dark, Doctor Who obsessed past. As it happens, I'm about to graduate from high school- this time tomorrow, actually, assuming it doesn't get rained out and rescheduled. So, I figured that there would be no better time to undergo a very insignificant but satisfying internet blog metamorphosis. It's really quite stra...